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How to Brew Bavarian Hefeweizen Beer with iGulu Automated Beer Brewer: A Refreshing Guide

How to Brew Bavarian Hefeweizen Beer with iGulu Automated Beer Brewer: A Refreshing Guide

Hefeweizen is a traditional German wheat beer that is known for its cloudy appearance, refreshing taste, and slightly fruity aroma. It is a popular style of beer that is often enjoyed during the summer months. If you are interested in brewing your own hefeweizen, here is a step-by-step guide that you can follow:

How to Brew Bavarian Hefeweizen Beer (iGulu Way)


  • iGulu Bavarian Wheat Kit
    • CBW Bavarian Wheat DME- Manufactured by Briess, USA
    • Dry Lager Yeast 02- Manufactured by HAAS, USA
    • Natural Hops Bitter Extract-15- Manufactured by Lesaffre Et Compagnie, France
  • 1 gallon/116oz of purified water



  1. Prepare a clean iGulu Keg and add the purified water up to the 116oz mark
  2. Add all included ingredients in the iGulu Bavarian Wheat Kit.
  3. Seal the fermentation tank lid, lock the locking ring, and place into iGulu F1 with tubs properly connected.
  4. Scan the RFID card or use the on-board menu and tap ‘Brew’.
  5. Wait until process is complete and Enjoy!


How to Brew Bavarian Hefeweizen Beer (Traditional Way)

  • 6 pounds of German wheat malt
  • 1 pound of pilsner malt
  • 1/2 pound of flaked wheat
  • 1 ounce of Hallertau hops (for bittering)
  • 1 ounce of Hallertau hops (for flavor)
  • 1 package of German wheat beer yeast
  • 1 gallon of water (for mashing)
  • 5 gallons of water (for sparging)
  • Priming sugar (for bottle conditioning)


  • Brew kettle
  • Mash tun
  • Sparge arm
  • Fermenter
  • Airlock


1. Mill the grains. The first step is to mill the grains. You can use a grain mill to do this, or you can purchase pre-milled grains.

2. Mash the grains. Once the grains are milled, you will need to mash them. This is done by adding the grains to hot water and holding them at a specific temperature for a period of time. The mashing process converts the starches in the grains into sugars.

3. Sparge the grains. After the mashing process is complete, you will need to sparge the grains. This is done by pouring hot water over the grains and collecting the resulting liquid. The sparging process helps to extract the remaining sugars from the grains.

4. Boil the wort. The next step is to boil the wort. The wort is the liquid that was collected from the mashing and sparging processes. Boiling the wort helps to sterilize it and to extract the hops.

5. Cool the wort. After the wort has boiled, you will need to cool it down. This can be done by using a wort chiller or by simply placing the wort in an ice bath.

6. Ferment the wort. Once the wort has cooled down, you will need to ferment it. This is done by adding yeast to the wort. The yeast will convert the sugars in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

7. Condition the beer. After the fermentation process is complete, you will need to condition the beer. This is done by allowing the beer to sit for a period of time. During this time, the beer will develop its flavor and aroma.

8. Bottle the beer. Once the beer has been conditioned, you will need to bottle it. You can use a bottle filler to do this, or you can simply fill the bottles by hand.

9. Cap the bottles. After the bottles have been filled, you will need to cap them. You can use a capper to do this, or you can simply use a hammer and a nail.

10. Enjoy your beer! Once the bottles have been capped, you can enjoy your homebrewed hefeweizen beer.

Hefeweizen is a versatile beer that can be paired with a variety of foods. It is a great beer to enjoy on a hot summer day or to serve at a party.

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1 comentario sobre How to Brew Bavarian Hefeweizen Beer with iGulu Automated Beer Brewer: A Refreshing Guide
  • Elizabeth

    We are trying to use our igulu for the first time and in the process of setting it up
    We have connected it to Bluetooth to iPhone and to wifi
    We are trying to do the firmware update but getting error message/update fail on both the iPhone app and the fermenter
    We are on version 2.4.3 currently

    February 02, 2025
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