Easy Milk Stout Beer Recipe: Beginner’s Step-By-Step Guide Skip to content
Easy Milk Stout Beer Recipe: Beginner’s Step-By-Step Guide

Easy Milk Stout Beer Recipe: Beginner’s Step-By-Step Guide

In this blog post, we will be reviewing everything you need to know about milk stout beer and how to brew it using your F1 All-in-One Automated Beer Brewing Machine that does the number crunching for you during the process. Keep reading on to learn a little more about milk stout beer and how to make it. 

Milk Stout Beer

Milk stout beer, also known as cream stout or sweet stout, originated in the early 19th century in England. The style was first popularized by a brewery called Mackeson in the mid-1800s and quickly gained popularity among British drinkers. Milk stout beer is made with lactose sugar, a type of sugar derived from milk, which gives it a creamy and slightly sweet taste. This unique addition to the brewing process sets milk stout beer apart from other stouts, making it a beloved choice among beer enthusiasts. Its rich history and distinct flavor make milk stout beer a must-try for any beer connoisseur.


2 liters of hot water

454g of malt extract

4 liters of regular water


Stage 1: Mashing

  1. Mix the crushed specialty malts with 2 liters of hot water and rest at 170 degrees F for 30 minutes. 
  2. Remove the bag containing the specialty malt, then add 454g of malt extract. 
  3. Add water until the final volume reaches 6 liters, and heat to a boil. 

Stage 2: Boiling

  1. The total wort boiling time is 60 minutes, maintaining the temperature at or above 208 degrees F for a gentle boil.     
  2. Add the first hop at the beginning of boil.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes. 
  4. Add the second hop and lactose with 10 minutes left in the boil. 

Stage 3: Cooling

  1. Chill the wort to 65 degrees F or 18 degrees Celsius. 
  2. It can be quickly cooled using an ice water bath or by placing it in the refrigerator. 

Stage 4: Pitching

  1. Transfer the clear wort into the iGulu keg and add dry yeast. 

Stage 5: Setting

  1. Place the iGulu keg into the S1 machine and select the built-in offline recipe Ale 3-stage.

Stage 6: Enjoy

  1. Share your fresh and chilled beer. 

Milk Stout Beer Step-by-Step Diagram


Milk Stout Beer YouTube Tutorial

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is milk stout beer? 
    • Milk stout is a dark ale brewed with milk sugar. Milk stouts are specifically made using lactose, a sugar found in cow’s milk. Lactose doesn’t ferment when exposed to beer yeast so it adds smoothness and sweetness to the final beer product when done correctly. 
  • What is the best milk stout beer? 
    • The best milk stout beer is any type of fresh milk stout beer like the one freshly crafted at home with our F1. 
  • How to make milk stout beer? 
    • Follow or read the recipe in this blog for a step-by-step on making milk stout. 
  • What is the alcohol content of milk stout? 
    • This varies depending on where you get your milk stout from but it can usually fall between 5% and 6%. For an accurate description, we would highly recommend checking the source of your stout beer. 
  • How much milk is in a milk stout? 
    • Milk stout doesn’t have actual milk in the drink but it contains lactose, a sugar derived from a cow’s milk. 


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