Brewing with iGulu is a creative, enjoyable and endless exploration. From expertly curated brew kits to brewing customized fermented beverages, such a mead and tart sours, explore what our brewing community is up to.
iGulu F1 Home Brewer Unboxing & Review
In this video, Austin unboxes the iGulu F1 and sees how it performs brewing a Mosaic Pale Ale, and then discusses the pros/cons of brewing functionality.
iGulu F1 Home Brewer Unboxing & Review
Watch Mike and family experience their first taste of the iGulu Mosaic Pale Ale, which is celebrated to rival that of store purchased pale ales. The results are remarkably positive!
Watch the iGulu Home Beer Brewer in action while it successfully brews some of the most popular beer styles, in addition to other delicious fermented beverages.
West Coast IPA Brewing Recipe
Watch a step-by-step guide on how to brew a hoppy West Coast IPA using the new iGulu S1 Beer Brewer.
1. Use the S1 Beer Brewer and iGulu Mosaic Pale Ale Brew Kit.
2. Add Pale Ale brew kit ingredients into keg following steps on packaging and complete a 7-day primary fermentation stage.
3. Prepare a new sanitized keg, add hops pellets (20-30g) into a hop infuser, place infuser inside keg and seal.
4. Use the iGulu CO2 adapter to the keg with hops and expel the air, repeating the process 3 times. Continue to fill the new keg with CO2 to 15 PSI.
5. Connect the completed keg to the new keg, ensuring all connected tubes are sanitized. Start the transfer.
6. Install the newly filled keg into the S1 Beer Brewer. Continue fermentation, cold brewing for 3 days. Enjoy!