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How to Brew Amber Lager Beer with iGulu Automated Beer Brewer: A Taste of Excellence

How to Brew Amber Lager Beer with iGulu Automated Beer Brewer: A Taste of Excellence

Amber lager beer is a type of beer that is typically characterized by its amber color and malty flavor. It is a popular style of beer, and many homebrewers enjoy brewing it. If you are interested in learning how to turn brew amber lager beer, then this post is for you.

How to Brew Amber Lager Beer (iGulu Way)


  • iGulu Amber Lager Brew Kit
    • CBW Sparkling Amber DME

      Manufactured by Briess, USA
    • Dry Lager Yeast 03

      Manufactured by Lesaffre Et Compagnie, France
    • Natural Hops Bitter Extract-20

      Manufactured by Lesaffre Et Compagnie, France
    • Natural Hops Aromatic Extract-Hersbruker

      Manufactured by Lesaffre Et Compagnie, France
  • 1 gallon/116oz of purified water



  1. Prepare a clean iGulu Keg and add the purified water up to the 116oz mark
  2. Add all included ingredients in the iGulu Amber Lager Kit.
  3. Seal the fermentation tank lid, lock the locking ring, and place into iGulu F1 with tubs properly connected.
  4. Scan the RFID card or use the on-board menu and tap ‘Brew’.
  5. Wait until process is complete and Enjoy!


How to Brew Amber Lager Beer (Traditional Way)

  • 6 pounds of pale malt extract
  • 2 pounds of amber malt extract
  • 1 ounce of fuggles hops
  • 1 ounce of cascade hops
  • 1 package of ale yeast
  • 5 gallons of water


1. Sanitize your equipment. This is an important step to prevent contamination. You can sanitize your equipment by boiling it in water for 10 minutes.

2. Heat the water to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Add the pale malt extract and amber malt extract to the water. Stir until the extracts are dissolved.

4. Bring the wort to a boil.

5. Add the fuggles hops to the wort. Boil the wort for 60 minutes.

6. Add the cascade hops to the wort. Boil the wort for 15 minutes.

7. Remove the wort from the heat and let it cool to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. Transfer the wort to a fermenter.

9. Add the ale yeast to the fermenter.

10. Ferment the beer for 10-14 days at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

11. Bottle the beer and let it condition for 2-4 weeks.

- You can experiment with different types of malt extracts and hops to create different flavors of amber lager beer.

- If you want a darker beer, you can add more amber malt extract.

- If you want a hoppier beer, you can add more hops.

- Be patient when brewing amber lager beer. It takes time for the beer to develop its flavor.

Amber lager beer is a delicious and refreshing beer that is perfect for any occasion.

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