Varient on Wheat Beer

  • Hi All, 

    First, a huge thanks to Igulu for coming through and delivering to backers. You all could have walked away. I suspect most would have. Not you all. You all have shown great character and commitment. You all are the best.

    As the title suggests, I did a varient on the wheat beer kit . I am not a fan of the clove and banana taste of wheat beers. So I changed the brew to an American wheat. Rather than use the 2 grams of the wheat beer yeast (provided in the pack). I used 2 grams of US 05 ale yeast. The result was great. A very nice American wheat beer. Sort of like a golden ale brewed with wheat DME. 

    This shows, what I think is great about the Igulu approach. Rather than a kit  having one big bag of unknown stuff we dump in and brew, all the ingredients are standard beer brewing stuff. Easy to substitute and the experiment. 

    Well Done Igulu. 

    You all are the best. 


  • Hi Daniel, thank you for your kind words. We are certainly here to stay and to deliver to all that believed in us. We are very happy to hear that you are having good result from our machine. 

    Please feel free to tell us more whenever!! we love to hear from you.

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