Zym, I recieved them a while back.
yes they did
I recieved my 3 kegs that were part of my order from 8 years ago... (Happy Feet) Now if someone will tell us how to use them.
With the origional Kickstarter there were extra kegs we purchased along with the one that came with the machine, it has been said we would still get the kegs (in my case an additional 3) you are se...
With the origional Kickstarter there were extra kegs we purchased along with the one that came with the machine, it has been said we would still get the kegs (in my case an additional 3) you are se...
@JEFF Re written I've been away for a while, I'm locked out..... Removed ans reinstaleded the app, reset the machine, Bluetooth issues, Now I can't even get the app installed. HELP. G...
I've been away for a while, I'l locked out..... Renoved ans reinstaleeded the app, reset the machine, Bluetooth issues, Now I can't even get the app installed. HELP
I am having a very frustratung issue with the co2 adjustments, could I pease get SOME by step instructions with photoes. Ready tp beat my head against the wall.
Can you show me some screen shots of that proceedure. is it from the app or the unit?
Like what all the master mode does (Features) and what are the proceedures to do those tasks. (Like changing the pressure, How do you set it and how do you save it)
Is there any thought of having the Igulu app in a windows version?
Search the apple store, it's there. I have it on my IPad.
@Brendan If that's from the phone, (android or Ipad) I can't get there.
My machine hung up a few days ago, I switched it off and back on and it Stacked another total brew, so it went from 8 to 16 days. I seen no way to edit a current brew. Any thoughts.
So I have installed the "Master" config and get the diamond on the F1 Screen. I was once able to get to the pressure adjustment, (I set it to low) I can no longer get back to that screen (don't eve...
Jack, That worked. When are we going to be able to use the phone app,.