Doubble Brew

  • My machine hung up a few days ago, I switched it off and back on and it Stacked another total brew, so it went from 8 to 16 days. I seen no way to edit a current brew. Any thoughts.


  • @JEFF use mastermode and make a custom brew cycle???

  • @Brendan If that's from the phone, (android or Ipad) I can't get there. 

  • @JEFF Same. Eagerly awaiting a functional app. Can you edit the cycle using the touch screen on the Igulu?

  • @JEFF do you have the mastermode activated or no?

  • Yes

  • hi all, For the igulu app, iPhone go to the apple store to search iGulu. For android, use this link - This link is temporary until the app goes on play store.

    If you havent done so, please activate the premium mode with the igulu premium mastermode card by scanning the card with the F1 machine.

    If you havent done so, pair the machine with your phone app. 

    Once you have paired the machine with the app, please check update and do any neccesary update on your phone app and the machine.  Then you will be able to use your phone app to add custom recipes for fermentation.

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