Beer Line Tubing Info

  • Hello,

    I wanted to know, what is the size of the clear beer line tubing used for dispensing from the keg? Is is 3/16" inside diamter or something else? Do i need a certain outside diameter as well, in order for it to fit into the pour spout properly, or is the standard 3/16" tubing correct?

    If I wanted to replace the tubing that came on the keg with a longer run, is it as simple as pulling it off of the black nozzle peice and pushing a length of new tubing on, or is there anything special I need to do?

    Thank you for your help

  • I'd be interested in seeing how this works. A longer beer suply line might solve the foam problem.

  • That was my thought as well. The ~1' section of line seems way too short to provide a propoer resistence, especially at 15 psi, which is what my machine seems to be set to by default, and I haven't found a way to change that yet.

    I recieved the master mode card, so hoping that unlocks something to let me choose my own psi, but need to wait until my current batch is done fermenting before i can use it.

  • Hi Ryan, I will find out and let you know asap.

  • @Ryan The outer diameter is 7mm, the inner diameter is 4mm, and the length is 270mm

  • @April  Thank you for those specs! Would you be able to tell me the material as well? Silicone, Vinyl, PVC, or something else?

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