Manual Temperature and Pressure Control for Serving

  • This is for anyone interested, since I haven't seen a post calling out how to specifically do manual temperature and pressure control while serving beer yet.

    You need master mode unlocked to be able to access the feature.

    Before choosing a cooling mode, go into the app, under settings and toolkits. This is where you can specificy what serving pressure you want to use. Select what pressure you would like and hit the "pumping button". It should start pressurizing to what you specified.

    Next is your cooling mode, I started this on the machine itself, since that seems to have more temperature options than the app does. You want to use Gas Free Mode, as choosing a pressure mode will override the pressure you choose in toolkits. Choose your temp for Gas Free Mode and hit start.

    That's it!

    While you serve, you're machine should maintain those temps and pressures you just sent up. To change pressure you would have to stop the cooling mode and toolkits pumping, and then repeat the process. Temperature changes you only need to redo the cooling mode.

  • Thanks Ryan, that helped quite a bit. I was pulling my hair out over here.  :)

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