Issues cold crashing

  • Brewing the Bavarian Wheat, 2 days left on brew cycle, but temperature reading is still 64 F. The recipe specifically says the last 2 days are cold crash days in the 30's. Anyone else had this issue? 

  • Update this am, still reading 62F (as below). Any clues on how to remedy this?

  • wait until it finished the brewing cycle, if it is still at high temp when it is in cooling mode, then unplug the machine, put the beer tank in fridge. let the machine sit unplugged over night.

    then replug it in, set it in cooling mode.

    if the temp still doesnt go down, please pls email with your name, shipping address, order numbers and short video fo the display and describe the issue.

    Our warranty team will help you replace the machine if necessary.

  • @Ky  I'm having the same issue

  • @Chris the machine finally went into cold crash mode about 12 hours after my last post, and managed to successfully maintain temps at 33-35F thereafter, I guess the timer doesn't correlate exactly with the cycles, but it turns out to be sufficient to create some great beer! Hope this is the same experience you will have. Cheers!

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