Should I stop it and begin again. No pressure

  • Have checked every cable and the CO2 tank

  • @Stig Lund How did you get that GUI?
    This is what I have on my iPad & iPhone atm.
    IOS 1.7.1

  • I've got Android. It's what comes up when I touch the machine in the app.

  • @ECKEROTH Here is what the android interface looks like.

    In the video the iGulu starts in cooling mode, I switch it to a custom brewing mode, and then back to cooling mode, and you can see what is displayed during each phase. When brewing it indicates both the temperature as well as pressure with the line graphs. It also has the ability to directly place log entries so you can make notes about the process/results.

    I would note that while recording this I found 2 separate bugs. Both times I changed the mode the iGulu forcefully stopped the mode I had just set, and I had to set it a second time. So hopefully the devs see this post as well, and fix the issue.  The second bug is when entering a log, space must be pressed twice instead of once for each space. When you press space it appears, then the app deletes the space you just created automatically.


  • To answer your actual questions. If there is 0 Co2 generation, than your beer is not fermenting. There have been multiple other people here on the forums that had batches that just never started fermenting at all. One had an entire order fail for him in a row, three separate pale ale kits all were 100% dead, with zero fermentation at all.

    If it is not fermenting at all, I recommend picking up some yeast designed for what you are brewing on amazon for a few dollars, and pitch around 1/3rd of the packet into your keg, and see if the fermentation starts up. If that works, I would email support and let them know that your yeast was dead, and after 7 days you had zero Co2 generation. You can include the image of your graph. Assuming you have no Co2 leaks, it looks like from your graphs that the fermentation tried to start on the third day, then died right after.

    I would also check your keg for Co2 leaks as I have had multple problems with this. One of my 4 kegs leaked a crazy amount of Co2 right out of the dispenser area. They sent a replacement dispensor and the new one had no issues, but my other 3 kegs are also leaking Co2 from around the sides of the pressure relief valve. It is a slow leak though, and would not prevent Co2 build up during actual fermentation. Those three kegs only have an issue when fermentation is finished and Co2 leaks out of the keg making me loose all of my stored Co2. I pour water onto the top of the keg and watch for bubbles to leak check. 

  •  I will go by an Andriod phone... just kidding, will never happens.

  • @ECKEROTH If you have a laptop/pc you can also run the android app inside of Bluestacks without issue I believe, if you want to use the version with the graphs and so on.

  • @Halaster Thanks. I'll probably just toss it

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