App login and no CO2 adjustment

  • Hi all, I have finally had time to run my first brew - an Amber Ale. I first read up on it and noted online it said 11 day ferment and 3 days cold - sounded fine. Threw in the kit and scanned with the RFiD - all worked except it gave me a 8/3 day cycle. I let it go through the motion but then noted I had no network connection with the machine - weird as it sits quite close to the router.

    Tried to log onto the app and at first it said 'You are logged into another mobile device' or something like that - that was strange as I only have one phone with the app on it. I left it until the machine finished the brew and now tried again - it now tells me my email address does not have an account associated with the igulu app????

    Further to this, the ale tasted great but had very low froth (the oposite from what usually happens). My machine has master mode activated but I was unable to increase the CO2 levels? It was stuck around 6psi - I also read another post where someone else also had this issue but it was un answered. Any ideas? Was the shorted fermentation time the main contributor to the very low froth?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance.

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