Power Outage

  • I lost power due to a storm this morning for about 3 hours. I was about 16 hours into my brew and the power came back on but the igulu did not resume the brew. I believe it was supposed to resume unless I am losing it. What should I do? Just restart the brew from the beginning? 


  • Ususally the machine will ask if yo want to continue process. However if it timed out for too long it might not ask... In that case, you can just restart the process. It wont affect the taste of the beer, it will just make the process a bit longer. 

  • @April FYI The poweer company is working in our area and the power was shut off twice. The longest time was 2 hours. Both times the machine came online with the same settings, times etc. without any prompt.

  • @Jim odd that it did not do the same for me. Thank goodness I had an RFID sticker to start it back up. I am already on my second machine and maybe I am just bad luck. 


  • @Jim good to know. thank you!!

  • @Mark keep us updated with your progress. If there is any issues, we are here to help!

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