First brew

  • Just completed my first brew (pale ale). It's only been finished just a few hours ago. No co2 or air pump (just the carbonation it created) turned out very nice pretty hoppy. Really wish I had recieved a lager mix. but this was very good.

  • @JEFF


    Do you have any pictures?

    How was the foam level for yours?

  • No I didn't, started a wheat today. Will post a pour in 11 or 12 days

  • my pale foam was out of the point that I couldn't even drink the beer.

    I followed the instructions exactly, but the pressure during fermentation was 40+psi no matter how often I released some via the valve.

    hope my wheat turns out better

  • New homebrewer here, and yeah, the foam level on the Pale I just made is bonkers. Clip wide open, clip nearly shut off, tap wide open, tap barely cracked, nothing helps. It's tasty, but it's all foam.

    Same as Cody, pressures during fermentation were right around 40, which I think is about where the safety opens.

  • @Zandr  and @cody  please release some pressure now, you can close the co2 tank for a day . let the beer sit for a day or two. then try to taste it again? please let us know that that helps.

  • Hi, Zandr and cody, will you please try to release some pressure now, you can close the co2 tank for a day . let the beer sit for a day or two. then try to taste it again? please let us know that that helps.

  • I already dumped my batch - would the priming sugar be responsible for the elevated foam?  The wheat kit doesn't come with any PS...and I haven't been able to get a straight answer as to whether the PS is even necessary?


  • I've been away for a few days, so it's been sitting undisturbed, but with the CO2 on. I'll see how it pours tonight and try lowering pressure if it's still a foam fountain. :)

  • how long after fermenting is over should you wait to drink. is it better to wait and let sit for a few days? 

  • @Christopher We would suggest a day or two. but you can taste the beer and see how you like it first.

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