device not showing in app

  • Finally got a device to install the app on (can't install non-app store apps on my primary phone).

    The app cannot find my fermentation device. I have tried rebooting the app and the device.


    It simply says it cannot find the device :(



  • Unfortunately, the app is still in development stage, so you might have trouble connecting it at the moment, and our team is working on it, but you are still going to be able to start the brewing manually on the machine. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Shame to hear; I borrowed an ipad from someone to at least get the machine updating.


    But without premium enabled still nor the master card I can't actually start anything useful. I didn't see anything related to Premium as a kickstarter backer. Was there something sent out I missed, or is that these new "master mode" cards I saw in another thread? 

  • Yes, iGulu is shipping out Master Mode unlock cards, actual ship date for every backers may be different.

    Master Mode unlock cards can only be used once and will permanently unlock your machine for master mode usage. 

    Once your machine is unlocked with master mode, you can set custom temperature and pressure settings for an entirely custom brew OR resume OR modify existing brew settings.

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