Android Phone App

  • When is the phone app going to be on the PLAY STORE?

    I've tried the QR code download, and no matter how many different ways I attempt to login/ gives me errors.

    A properly vetted/approved app would help out tremendously.

  • Unfortunately, the app is still in development stage, so you might have trouble connecting it at the moment, and the team is working on it, but you are still going to be able to start the brewing manually on the machine.

  • Do you know when, or have an estimate as to when the Android app is going to be availbe?

    I don't see anything on the play store, and the one I downloaded via the QR code won't login or let me register.

  • hi Ryan, we are still working on it. we are so sorry about this. as soon as we have it done, we will announce it.

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