How do I adjust CO2 serving pressure?

  • I have unlocked master mode, and I have just completed a second brew. I would like to lower the serving pressure to experiment with lower foam pours.

    Is it actually possible to do this at this stage of the process? I can think of no reason why "change CO2 pressure" should not be available, but I cannot find any way to do so.

    Is this something that can only be set before starting a brew? That doesn't make any sense, so I hope I am wrong...

  • When I finished lager fermentation I had plenty of foam. Took top off released pressure to nine pounds. You can see co2 pressure on handle screen. I backed off co2 lever on back of machine. Monitored the pressure and enjoy a lightly foamed lager. The machine going to tell you it has pressure I didn't worry about it.

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