Upgrade to stainless steel keg

  • I would love to have the option to use less plastic. A stainless steel keg upgrade in the same shape would be awesome. 

  • @Tomasz Or a one gallon reinforced glass carboy. Probably would taste better than plastic! 

  • It really tasts plastic. 

    im afraid this is not what I wanted. Plastic crappy beer. Buggy app. Cant register machine. Kits with "chemical flavors, and extracts" this really is nothing like what I though I ordered. It doesn't mash, just ferments?

  • @Ky I wonder if it would hold up to pressure. Stainless steel would be good for that plus wouldn't break if you drop it. 

  • @Matt yeah Im somewhat disappointed as it doesn't heat, just cools. BeerMkr was really good by comparison but I had a bunch of leak issues with it and now it seems they're going down the tubes. 

  • @Tomasz 

    Yep, it could handle it with the right PRV and the current updated version of the PRV hits above 20psi (previously 30!), which is pretty darn high for carbonating a keg anyway. "I" think it should be closer to 12 maximum pressure, but i'm sure there are others that suggest one way or the other. I really want to move to Glass or Stainless too.

  • Will the glass or stainless keg be backward compatible?

    If it will be then there will be no hesitancy in buying current version.

    I think this backward compatibility will increase their sale dramatically.

    I believe the problem is there was a big investment in the production of this first generation plastic keg. And to move into the new stainless keg will lose potential profit.

    I guess if there is enough interest in the backward compatible stainless keg thru a petition of interest or like of some sort then that upgrade will be sooner

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