@Dood Go into your settings and perform an update directly on your Igulu. There should be a "Sparkling" option.
If you are a backer you should have also recieved a master mode card which unlocks the ability to open Craft and inject pressure there. You can do that as well raising the pressure level with water inside it.
The actual workflow on the unit DOES need quite a bit of work, and the way options work needs to be improved AND allow for custom options. For example the Kombucha option (which is broken right now) also has a custom option that lets you set the temperature and day. The custom option does run. Sparkling though has no customization, and their default settings are completely wrong for sparkling water with a pressure far too low. If you turn on Sparkling mode it is currently designed to set the pressure to 14.5 at 36 degrees for 1 day.

That pressure level is far too low. For sparkling water it should be doing 25-30 pressure at least. The unit should allow the user to set both the time it will run, the temperature, AND the pressure. As of right now all of the pressure options on the iGulu F1 are extremely lacking with no real control at all. Only holding a button to inject in Co2, when instead you should be able to pick a number. Even with master mode there is no true control like they advertised. The custom pressure control mentions have also been removed from the iGulu home page, but the unit definitely has the hardware to support it. They just need to improve the software. This is talking about the actual software on the iGulu F1 directly. The app is even further behind than the unit and sitll needs quite a bit of work, and Master Mode custom recipies need to allow the user to set the pressure level.
Your best bet to make sparkling water is to place the water into the unit, open craft, pump the pressure up to 30, which can be difficult as the button wants to stop workingonce you hit 20, then set the unit to Chill Mode. Check in Chill mode and verify the pressure is actually at the level you want, and once it has fully chilled unconnect it, and shake it for 2 to 3 minutes, then place it back into the iGulu. If pressure has dropped, exit chill mode, go back into craft mode, go into pressure control and pump more into it to bump it back up to 30. You can let it sit for 2 days in Chill mode and let that Co2 hopefully get more into the liquid, or you can shake it a few times to speed the process up.
You can also easily place a food safe silicone tube like the ones that come with the unit attached to the Co2 outlet on the underside of the lid, so that the Co2 is injected INTO the liquid instead of just into the top of the keg. Make sure to use a check valve.
Also, @Admin you guys need to be more active on the forums, look at feedback from people, reply to people, and you need to be removing spam posts like the one from Sedder above me. Especially with an active Kickstarter campaign going. The official activity on the forums is virtually non-existent anymore.