first brew

  • Hi I live in australia and it is winter so it gets near 0 degrees celcius .  I am doing my first brew which is pale ale , I have done all the steps on brew packet but the temperature is only around 9 to 10 celcius on the brewer and it went from 9 days when I first put it on , now it is 11 days but it was 14 days , should the brew be higher than 10 degrees celcius

  • 10°C is 50°F which is relatively on the lower end of the expected temperature. 
    Where are you putting the brewer?

  • Hi the brewer is on a small cabinet , the brewer sits about a meter from the floor , the temperature is low it gets to about 2 celcius in my house during the night , should I wrap blankets around the brewer to keep it warmer cheers

  • @Admin what is the optimum temp for pale ale ,,,    on the little computer screen on the brewer,  cheers

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