Compressor Start Error

  • My machine has been running perfect for the first 3 brews but on this 4th one after brewing was complete I keep getting a compressor start error on the app.   I also have a green light bar when cooling which I think used to be blue.   I have deleted machine from the app and reset the machine as well.   Tried it again and the target temp in the app says 99 degrees even when I set it to 37.   It sounds like the machine is cooling but the co2 goes down sometimes and doesn't come back up.   Not sure what's going on but just wanted to see if any help was out there?


    Thank you!

  • Contact the support team.  They will help you resolve it.  There were a few units with a poor compressor.  They group is very good at responding to your needs if it is a compressor issue and not software.

  • I have sent 2 messages to support and one direct message on the forum and still no answer or any help.   From what I have seen, they have been pretty quick with any problems so I am not sure what I am doing wrong.   The brewer has still been functioning but still has the errors of compressor start error and mimimum rotational speed is wrong.   These are messages in the app and that has not been working for me very well so far, so we will see what happens.   

  • I would like to say that Igulu touched base with me, checked on the brewer and replaced it because of an issue.   I am blown away with their customer service and how they took care of this.   It seems most companies these days would just say your stuck with what you have but they took the extra step and I should be back to brewing shortly!

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