australian sodastream co2 thread

  • the manual says i need a thread size of tr21-4. the australian sodastream uses a difrrent thread size. does anyone know what size it is and if there are adpaters?

    my beer is ready but i need some co2 :(




  • @david 

    As far as I can tell no adapter exists to convert Australian and New Zeland SodaStream Co2 threads to standard SodaStream threads, and this is not specific to just iGulu. A lot of info online about people complaining that AUS decided to use their own unique thread just to screw with everyone.

    Loooked all over the place and I cannot even find a name or size for the unique australian thread.

    So you most likely will not find an AUS SodaStream Thread to TR21-4 adapter. The only adapters I can find are AUS SodaStream to Standard Co2 like here. Which are designed to let you hook up a standard Co2 tank to an Australian SodaStream machine which will not help you.

    Perhaps someone else has the name of the thread, but I had absolutely no luck finding it anywhere. The actual SodaStream market is fairly large, and even they have not created the adapter you are looking for as far as I can tell. I do not believe iGulu has a special model for Australia and New Zeland that allows the use of their unique SodaStream cannisters, so your best option would most likely be to just buy a standard Co2 tank, fill it, and get a standard Co2 tank to TR21-4 adapter and use that. In the long run it will be much cheaper than actual SodaStream cannisters.

    Grab something like this here and use it with something like this here to hook it up to your iGulu. Those are the exact products I am using for my Co2 setup, and it looks like they ship to Australia. I am not really sure how easy it is to fill up a standard Co2 tank where you are, but a SodaStream cannister has 425 grams of Co2 and a 5Lb tank holds nearly 6 times as much and can be filled for half the price of a single cannister where I am at.

    Sorry this does not directly answer your question, but it does give the only solution I was able to find to your problem.

    iGulu team probably needs to make units that are unique to australia and new zeland, or document the difference directly on their page letting those customers know that their SodaStream cannisters will not work.

  • @david I found an Australian youtube channel that managed to find an adapter for our SodaStream. The ebay search term they used is:

    CO2 Tank/For-Outer Thread TR21*4 To W21.8-14 Converts/Adapters

    Hope that helps. Btw, I don't have an F1, I just backed the S1 on kickstarter so I don't have personal experience with the adapter.

  • @Tristan Can you link the video for that?

    I had found what you are linking as well, but as far as I could tell W21.8-14 is not the Soda Stream thread, but the standard thread for Australian Co2 tanks. So the W21.8-14 to TR21-4 would not allow Australian Soda Stream cannisters to connect to a US soda stream connection, but instead would allow an Australian threaded Co2 tank to connect to a US soda stream connection. David was asking how to connect his australian soda stream tanks to his iGulu which is TR21-4.

    The link from Andrew though does look to be what he needs. It appears the Australian Soda Stream cannisters are a G1/2 Type 30 thread. So a TR21-4 Male to G1/2 Type 30 Female adapter would be what he needs and sounds like Andrew is already using it as well and can confirm it works.

    Make sure that it is a G1/2 Type 30, and not a G1/2 (CGA320), as a lot of places apparently list them together, but they are not the same thing.

    @Admin You guys should document the proper adapter needed for Australia and New Zeland somewhere on the page, or supply a model those countries can order that allows them to use their local SodaStream canisters, since they do not use the same tanks as the rest of the world.

  • @Halaster Here is the video:

  • @Halaster Funny, I did some digging and it looks like the G1/2 type 30 is most likely the correct one (see here)

    But by checking the dimensions of a G1/2 and W21.8... they are the same pitch and only a tiny change in diameter. So I can see why the mistake was made.

  • @Tristan Yep, it is really a pain in general to figure out exactly what is needed for the Australia/New Zealand version. For everywhere else in the world you can do a simple search and find a thousand answers telling you the EXACT name of the thread needed, even though it is proprietary. Forums posts, reddit posts, hundreds of product pages with detailed descriptions, even a extremely detailed google AI answer now pops up. Search for the same thing though for the Australian version and its a rabbit hole of obscure undetailed information with no one ever giving an exact answer that says "This adapter is what you use for Australian SodaStream Cannisters to connect to a TR21-4 Machine."

    Just mention of different things like G1/2 but NOT G1/2 GCA320, only G1/2 Type 30, and some talk of the one you initially linked the W21.8-14, and across the few places you find this info like obscure forums there is never someone that actually comes back and replies. HEY, this one works, and here is a photo showing it being used. Even the places selling these different adapters never show photos of them being used and actually connected to a SodaStream canister.

    Glad I am just using a standard 5Lb Co2 tank with an easy to purchase CGA320 to T21-4 adapter. Far less annoying and stressful getting the right thing.


    Even that product you just linked is not Australian SodaStream canister to TR21-4. Instead it is Australian SodaStream canister to standard Co2 tank, for refilling the canister. The SodaStream cylinder itself would still be unable to be connected to the iGulu once refilled. BUT if you go from the product you linked to their in house Australian SodaStream cylinder at least they do call out the thread there, but they forget to mention Type30. It does officially confirm though that it is G1/2 Thread.


    Based on that info, then this should be the exact adapter needed here.


    I still recommend just getting a normal Co2 tank and hooking it up as the most cost effective solution, assuming there is a refill place anywhere near you.

  • thankyou for the responses. im going to try and go the sodastream route, i fill the cylinders from my bigger co2 tank but I like the sodastream as it makes the igulu an appliance rather than a frankinstein creation.  

    my concern with adapter is that the pin on the bottle thread may not get pushed in when the adapter is fitted. when the bottle with the adpater is then fitted to the igulu no gas will come out. we could remove the pin from the bottle but then i would have no way of filling the bottle in the first place.

    i feel lucky to have the igulu after all these years.. but Igulu team if your listening. this is pretty average having to have a community solve an issue with your product that should be your issue to resolve. 




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