Wifi connection does not hold

  • Hi

    i have now my second brew and it kind of works (except a Temperature problem. )

    another observation is that the wifi connection to the app is only working for a minute after a restart and then the device is offline. 
    switching it on off let it connect again but it never stays connected). Any hints or ideas? Does that happen to others? I am on iOS. Maybe the android version is better?

  • Hi,

    What is the current version number of your machine and app? We recently released the latest version updates. You can try upgrading both to the latest versions, then reset the machine and rebind the app.

  • @Bernd No WIFI issues on my end with iGulu running 2.5.0, and the Android app version 1.7.0. Bluetooth though is always unconnnected. It only got one initial connection to help setup WIFI, then it never connected again. Rebooting the machine does not help.

    In the past month I encounted the issue you have a single time, about a 4 days ago the app was not connected to Wifi. Rebooting fixed it.


  • @Bernd I rebooted my wifi router, and the igulu never reconnected. All other devices did.

    It's currently in fermenting so I have not tried to reboot, I am sure it will automatically come back then. But very irritating.

  • @Freddie if I would update the firmware now the iGulu would certainly forget the 4 days I am in the fermentation hence cannot do that. I am running the latest iOS app and the firmware is 2.4.9. 
    Update to a newer firmware failed and I gave up after 5 trials. 

  • I am not able to login on app and connect my machine.

    As i login its logout immideate and says account is login on other mobile.even i tried on both iphone and android even with different mail ids.

    Pls help how to solve.

  • Hi

    myvwifi dropped out and therefore I could not upgrade the firmware and the machine did loose connection after maybe 20 seconds. Not long enough to upgrade. 

    the trick was to use my phone as a hotspot. That solved the upgrade problem and after the upgrade I changed to a different wifi router which is now holding the connection. 

  • @Bernd The igulu only support 2.4Ghz wifi. That might be the problem you have?

  • @Nova Since his app was actually connecting for 1 minute before disconnecting, it is most likely just a bad signal, versus being connecting to an unsupported range. Luckily he got evertyhing going with his phone.

  • I had the same problems and this is how I fixed it after much frustration: 
    My first brew and I am only 4 hours in so I didn't mind restarting the brew. 

    Downloaded the latest version of the app today ( 2nd March 2025)

    I now have a pull down refresh option but the problem remained the same. 

    I add a new device which is succesfull (even though it shows bluetooth as disconnected whilst in brewing mode) 
    I can then connect to the "new" device. (Once you exit the app it disconnects again and has the same problem) So don't exit the app.

    Stop the brewing cycle from the app. 

    Then update the firmware from the app. It will show a message on the phone (I am using an iPhone) saying that the update failed. However, on the device screen it shows "downloading" Be patient and go and do something else. Come back after  some time and it will show "update successful" 
    I restarted the brew with the RFid (which I had to find in the rubish bin) and so far it seems the connection issues are resolved. 
    Hopefully this will help someone with the same problems

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