After updating Firmware and starting Fermentation, Wifi connection lost. Is it possible to reconfigure wifi while Fermentation is going on?
After updating Firmware and starting Fermentation, Wifi connection lost. Is it possible to reconfigure wifi while Fermentation is going on?
You could try a power cycle. It will resume the recipe and should reconnect to your WiFi. Mine never lost the WiFi details after the firmware update.
had the same problems and this is how I fixed it after much frustration:
My first brew and I am only 4 hours in so I didn't mind restarting the brew.
Downloaded the latest version of the app today ( 2nd March 2025)
I now have a pull down refresh option but the problem remained the same.
I add a new device which is succesfull (even though it shows bluetooth as disconnected whilst in brewing mode)
I can then connect to the "new" device. (Once you exit the app it disconnects again and has the same problem) So don't exit the app.
Stop the brewing cycle from the app.
Then update the firmware from the app. It will show a message on the phone (I am using an iPhone) saying that the update failed. However, on the device screen it shows "downloading" Be patient and go and do something else. Come back after some time and it will show "update successful"
I restarted the brew with the RFid (which I had to find in the rubish bin) and so far it seems the connection issues are resolved.
Hopefully this will help someone with the same problems
The joy was short lived. It was ok for a day or two but once it disconnected the problenm came.
With the latest app update and firmware update it is now back to square one. It looses the wifi connection as soon as you try to do something in the app and then you have to make a new connection from start. It makes it near impossible to use the app for custom brewing. I hope a fix will happen very soon.