Is it actually doing anything?

  • Got my S1 today, very happy...

    I'm trying to brew a Pale Ale using the RFID. I scanned it and accepted both screens asking me for confirmation. I was then shown a screen that I shouldn't use CO2 when fermenting, which I'm not.

    I *think* it's brewing but the only indication is that the screen on the unit has got red arrows / borders. The app is not showing anything, just that the device exists. There is no noise coming from the machine, nothing is physically happening at all, just the screen software is showing the PSI and temp with the red border, and that there is 10 days to go I think.

    So... what should I do - just leave it? Doesn't seem to be doing anything.

  • Here's a few pics

  • have you connected the pressure hose to the keg? it seems like the pressure is not locked up

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