2nd brew still all foam and flat

  • this is my 2nd run at the f1 and i used the ipa pack. beer tastes good but it is flat and only pours foam. i have the temp at 37 degrees and the psi seems to be sitting a little over 13.  this time i released the pressure out of the tank and let it sit for 2 days before dispensing, but it was still a full glass of foam.  Any help to stop this? an  

  • There are many variables that can cause excessive foam in the beverage, and we cannot guarantee it. Here are some suggestions to reduce foam when pouring drinks: 1) Use chilled glasses to pour the drinks. 2) Control the flow rate by adjusting the clamp on the tube. 3) Try to pour the liquid along the inner wall of the glass.

  • copy and pasted response...this is canned response always given.

    There's a flaw in the design of this

  • We need a manual pressure control in the settings I think. I have the same issue

  • Please check the Co2 connection valve to see if that might be the issue, video link is below:


  • @Jack Can you suggest in what way adjusting the clamp on the tube can change the overcarbonation of the beer?

    Also, the video shows how to deal with lack of carbonation, not overcarbonation, so nit exactly applicable to this issue?

  • @stuart If there's too much foam, you may try to manual reduce a little pressure from the fermenter, and let it sit about 2 days in cooling mode. For Pale Ales, try to have the ending pressure range 7-13 psi, for Amber Lagers, ending pressure should be 10 to 14 psi, and for Bavarian Wheat, should be 15-20 ending psi. Hope that helps.

  • @Jack That could definitely help. I may be misisng something obvious, but how do I actually manually reduce the pressure and keep it that way? The only way I know would be to turn off the CO2 cylinder, bleed some pressure off and leave it that way. But then every beer I serve would reduce pressure further, and maker pouring take longer. If I re-open the CO2 cylinder, it will re-pressurize up to its default setting.

    If there is a way of changing the "default" pressurization, I have not found it yet.

  • @Jack still hoping for a reply to my question of how to actually control the CO2 pressure manually? I can bleed CO2 out of the keg, but it will autmattically re-pressurize with the CO2 cannister.

    I was hoping unlocking master mode would help, but I still l cannot see any way of adjusting the serving pressure. Is this only available before starting a brew?

    I have a second pale ale completed, sitting at 12.5 psi, I'd reall prefer it to be 10 psi, and still pressurized with CO2.

    If this isn't currently possible, and will be available via an app or firware update in the future, it would be good to know that.

  • I have the same issue. I think the tube is simply too small. I worked at a brewery and we had one bank of taps that were smaller than all the others in the bar. That tap always was foamier than the others. The iGulu dispenser is so narrow - and it has to go through the clip and the tap, where there's another pinch. Both of those areas increase foam. You need a larger dispensing tube - all the way from the bottom of the keg through the tap, with minimal pinches. I'd prefer a valve on the top of the keg instead of a clip. When beer foams this much it ends up flat, so while the beer inside the keg might be perfectly carbonated, when it goes through those two bottlenecks, it flattens. You can let the foam settle, but you still get flat beer. It's disappointing. 

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