Hard cider

  • I started at batch running at 73.5 F for 8 days and at 35.5 F cold crash for 3 days. Added 1/4 Citra hops and 1/5 mangrove jack cider yeast. Used two 64oz pressed unfiltered honey crisp apple juice. Have about 7 days to go so hopefully everything goes well. 

    My first batch was the Bavarian wheat. I was able to bottle it up and everyone was impressed with the taste. Initially had issues with foam, but just let it settle for a few days after purging some of the CO2 pressure. At 8-9 psi, and clamping down the dispensing tube, I didn't get as much foam. Just make sure to pour slow. 

  • You have a working app???

  • @Brendan yes. I was able to put the all of the info in the app and click brew. The only issue I had was that the app is still in Celsius rather than Fahrenheit. I wanted to do an 8 day fermentation at 74F, so when I put 23.33C it gave me an error message. I just kept it at 23C and it worked fine. 
    Have about 3 days or so to go and then another 3 day cold crash. I'll post finished results 

  • @David Where did you get the app, and are you on android? I downloaded the latest version of the one from the scanned QR code in the manual (11/23), but I can't get it register or login. Did you use an earlier version? And do you know if the login is the same login as posting on these forums, or do I need to set up a new one for the app?

    Thank you!

  • @Ryan I have an Apple, so I downloaded off of the App Store. I created a new account with a separate login and password. I never had any issues with registering or login. You may have to contact support if there are issues on the android platform.  

  • The cider is very dry considering that I didn't add any additional sweeteners to it. I added a small amount of apple juice to the cup before pouring the cider in and it tastes really good. Pretty sure you can add any juice to make it sweeter. The citra hops really stand out

  • @David huh, I haven't been able to connect my machine to the app, wifi, bluetooth, etc.

    I'm interested in trying your recipe though once I get through these Pale Ale kits that are about to expire.

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