Kickstarter Premium Supporters

  • When I invested in the original kickstarter I selected and paid for a premium package that was to include 4 additional cylinders for the express purpose of being able to brew and store beer rather than brew and drink one beer and then start again. 

    I am wondering if the rest of the cylinders offered in That package are expected to be delivered any time in The future?


    I would love to be able to brew a few different beers and store them for a party or tasting event with my friends. 

  • If I recall, the original design let you remove the brewing keg from the machine and serve from it while brewing a new batch.

    I asked the same question over on the kickstarter page, not got a response yet, but it's only been a few hours.

    If the minikeg cannot be used once removed from the machine, I'm not sure what the point of having several spare ones would be!

  • I came here to ask the same thing. My Kickstarted package includes a few extra kegs as well. Feb 28th they said, "Due to limited kegs are produced, we will ship extra kegs to the backers who backed more than 1 keg later."
    I assume that means the kegs can be sealed to condition, store, and use in the iGulu later. As one of you said, otherwise there would be no point to spare kegs. 
    But I haven't seen anything recent about storing kegs, or being able to fill kegs from another fermentation system while just using the iGulu as a dispenser. It would be nice to have that verified.

  • All valid questions!

    The point of extra kegs, is so that you could have additional brews ready to go. 

    For example, you could have repeats of the same pale ale, if that's what you prefer -- and you could have an endless supply for a party with multiple kegs of pale ale.

    Alternatively, you could brew different types of beers and have them stored in the fridge as you experiment with other flavors at the same time.

    We do understand your concerns though, and we'll pitch that to the development team for further evaltuation. At this time, the construction of the keg lid will only allow dispensing from the iGulu since the iGulu also pumps CO2 into the keg to aid in dispensing.

  • Alternatively, if you would like to speed up your brewing process and brew back to back, or have one unit brewing while the other dispenses, please message our customer service team for a $200 off discount code to purchase a secondary/tertiary unit!

  • No thanks. I do not want another machine. I wanted what i ordered originally but that seems to be not what we are getting.  Hmm

  • Could someone update us on when the exta mini kegs as part of our original reward will start shipping?


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