Kickstarter Premium Supporters

  • When I invested in the original kickstarter I selected and paid for a premium package that was to include 4 additional cylinders for the express purpose of being able to brew and store beer rather than brew and drink one beer and then start again. 

    I am wondering if the rest of the cylinders offered in That package are expected to be delivered any time in The future?


    I would love to be able to brew a few different beers and store them for a party or tasting event with my friends. 

  • If I recall, the original design let you remove the brewing keg from the machine and serve from it while brewing a new batch.

    I asked the same question over on the kickstarter page, not got a response yet, but it's only been a few hours.

    If the minikeg cannot be used once removed from the machine, I'm not sure what the point of having several spare ones would be!

  • I came here to ask the same thing. My Kickstarted package includes a few extra kegs as well. Feb 28th they said, "Due to limited kegs are produced, we will ship extra kegs to the backers who backed more than 1 keg later."
    I assume that means the kegs can be sealed to condition, store, and use in the iGulu later. As one of you said, otherwise there would be no point to spare kegs. 
    But I haven't seen anything recent about storing kegs, or being able to fill kegs from another fermentation system while just using the iGulu as a dispenser. It would be nice to have that verified.

  • All valid questions!

    The point of extra kegs, is so that you could have additional brews ready to go. 

    For example, you could have repeats of the same pale ale, if that's what you prefer -- and you could have an endless supply for a party with multiple kegs of pale ale.

    Alternatively, you could brew different types of beers and have them stored in the fridge as you experiment with other flavors at the same time.

    We do understand your concerns though, and we'll pitch that to the development team for further evaltuation. At this time, the construction of the keg lid will only allow dispensing from the iGulu since the iGulu also pumps CO2 into the keg to aid in dispensing.

  • Alternatively, if you would like to speed up your brewing process and brew back to back, or have one unit brewing while the other dispenses, please message our customer service team for a $200 off discount code to purchase a secondary/tertiary unit!

  • No thanks. I do not want another machine. I wanted what i ordered originally but that seems to be not what we are getting.  Hmm

  • Could someone update us on when the exta mini kegs as part of our original reward will start shipping?


  • @Jim I just noticed the #102 update from July 10th said the kegs are currently in mass production and they aim to start shipping them in early August.

  • Can I ask, has anyone receieved anything other than their machines from the original pledge.  Just got mine (a couple of weeks ago) but no correspondance with regards the additional mini kegs or " Master Brewer Artpacks with ingredients" as per original Kickstarter Pledge Summary? I ordered a couple of Ingredient kits and an additional keg but had to pay full price and they took 4 weeks to arrive!!!


  • @michael 

    They have not yet sent the extra kegs. They posted an update on the Artbrew kickstarter page around a month and a half ago with a general idea of when they would start shipping them. 

    It mentioned the kegs saying they are now in mass production and would start shipping in august, and it also gave a general update on the Masher machine saying a more detailed update would be given later.

    We understand that many of you are concerned about the delivery of the F1 and the mashing machine. Rest assured, we are committed to fulfilling our promises from the original campaign. The additional kegs are currently in mass production, and we aim to start shipping in early August.
    Two months ago, we restarted the design and development of the Mashing machine. Based on the experience of product development in the past few years, the complexity of the mashing machine is higher than the current F1 product. We will carefully conduct multiple rounds of risk assessment and prototype verification before officially opening the mold. 
    What they have NOT clarified though is if they are sending a keg to everyone, or just people who specifically paid for extra kegs. Since the very first stretch goal of the campaign at 300k was an extra keg for everyone who backed a F1. They have said quite a few times they will still be sending kegs out to all of us, but they never clarified if that included the stretch goal keg.
    For the "Master Brewer Artpacks" you should have received that in the mail before the actual F1 unit. It would have included a pale ale kit, a baverian wheat, and a lager, or some combination of those. I forget what I received as it was like 6 months ago. Do not recall if I got 2 or 3. The master card is "Supposed" to ship with those, but I did not receive a master card with my beer kits, which arrived before my iGulu, and I had to email support and then they sent me the master brewer unlock card.
    The master card comes in a really nice thick fancy black envelope/sleeve type thing, and you just hold it to the side of your unit to unlock master mode. It is single use. I recommend updating your unit first before using the card.
    Honestly I am surprised at all this extra shipping they are doing at no additional cost to us, as shipping larger things is not exaxctly cheap.

  • @Halaster Thank you for the information. I totally appreciate their shipping constraints and like you say the cost implications. However I haven't received anything other than the F1 machine at this point with no correspondence to if and when the brew packs or master  card will be delivered. I'll check back on Kickstarter for any further updates. Im in the UK so hopefully they'll get round to it in the coming months so I can get cracking with the brewing. 🤞🏼

  • @michael I would suggest contacting their support email and let them know you have not received the beer kits or master card and they will check and send them I would guess. If you wait for a solution on the forum I expect you will never get one, other than perhaps an admin telling you to email support. 


    Any time I have had to email support they have gotten back to me in 1 to 2 days. The times they had to send something to me, that also shipped within a day or two.

  • @Cory Maddox  I'll drop them a line, after I checked back on the Kickstarter threads it looks as if the European contingent of the kits etc are in the process of being despatched (according to the AB responses). Thanks again for your support. 

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