Problems with app, bluetooth, and CO2 pressure

  • I've completed two pre-packaged recipes so far, and have been mostly impressed with the finished product, but I'm still having tons of issues. . . Bluetooth won't stay connected after the initial connection, and when Wifi connection is lost, it requires deleting the device from the app and re-adding. I can't update the firmware from the app; only from the iGulu device itself (when I try to do it from the app, the firmware update screen tries to open but then closes). . . This morning my porter recipe completed, and the device switched to CO2/serving mode. I noticed CO2 pressure was around 6.5 PSI. I wanted to raise it to 8-10 PSI. This is when I realized that CO2 pressure can only be controlled by owners who've purchased the "Pro" upgrade. . .

    This is ridiculous. I supported this company with a Kickstarter donation like 8 years ago, with the promise that I'd be able to brew my own beer, using my own ingredients. Then when I FINALLY get my iGulu, not only am I stuck with only brewing the 4 recipes they offer, and paying them for the ingredients, but I can't even manually adjust the pressure in the keg?! I'm excited to show off my "cool toy" to friends and family, but I will make sure to tell them NOT to buy an iGulu. Their lack of respect and support for their customers (especially their EARLIEST customers) is shameful. All early supporters should have automatically been granted access to the Pro mode. Instead I'm just another chump who waited the better part of a decade, just to be limited in what I can do with the device. 

  • @Geoff You do get the master mode as a backer automatically. Just send an email to support and let them know you were not sent the master card. The cards were supposed to be sent with the kits but a few of us did not receive them. If you tell them they will ship it right out to you. You hold it next to the side of your iGulu and it will unlock master mode and give you full pressure control.

    I have two other posts on these forums mentioning bugs, and there are definitely a few problems still. The app specifically still does not allow updating as you mention, so you have to do it on the unit directly. Kombucha feature is not working yet, even though DIY kombucha does. Pressure control also once unlocked works but there are a few issues with it. Mainly you have to exit whatever other mode the unit is currently in to inject pressure, and two the screen on the pressure injection screen is finnicky in showing the correct pressure. They are actively working on fixing the bugs still though, and have been quite a few updates recently to the unit. (App updates are much slower).

    I have seen the exact opposite of you in regards to their respect and support, and any time I have acutally sent their support an email they have been extremely responsive and fixed the problem for me generally in days. I assume since you say "lack of respect and support", you emailed their support and they were rude to you? Would you mind sharing what support said on here for others to see, as your experience appears to be very different than mine.

    Hopefully if you email them again they should sort out your master mode problem right away.

    The issues they dealt with for me was my unit was not maintaing pressure at all and went through a 5lb tank in under a week. They sent out a replacement unit. I was not sent the master mode card, and they shipped it out to me, and the connector on one of my kegs was leaking both liquid and Co2 so they sent out a replacement part kit that included the bad connector. Every instance of interacting with them through their official support was easy and quick.

    This is the card that you should have received, and that they will send to you to unlock master brew mode:

  • I've been away for a while, I'l locked out..... Renoved ans reinstaleeded the app, reset the machine, Bluetooth issues, Now I can't even get the app installed.   HELP


  • In case you have not tried yet, update the iGulu to the latest version, as there have been many firmware updates while you were away.

    They also released a new app version a few days ago version 1.70 here

  • @JEFF Re written

    I've been away for a while, I'm locked out..... Removed ans reinstaleded the app, reset the machine, Bluetooth issues, Now I can't even get the app installed.   HELP.

    Git the new verson of the app installed. And I can "see" the F1 but still can't connect to the machine.


  • @JEFF 

    To clarify, in your app it shows the iGulu, but both Bluetooth and Wifi say Unconnected?

    Or does Bluetooth say Unconnected and Wifi say Connected, but when you click on the iGulu you see in the app it does nothing?

    A side note is that once the iGulu has connected to Wifi, Bluetooth will no longer connect. Not sure if that is as intended, or a bug. It appears though that Bluetooth is just for the purpose of configuring the Wifi settings on the unit as it currently stands.

    With the iGulu you can "see" in the app, can you click "Settings" and then delete it, or does clicking settings do nothing at all?

    Let me post a short video showing how the app works for me when it is properly connected.

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