Beers are tasting too sweet!!!

  • I have now brewed 5 batches, 4 kits (3 pale ales and 1 lager) and 1 with my own recipe. Every single batch finishes fermentation too sweet, as if the yeast has not completed it's job.

    The one batch I did with my own recipe was a 2-stage ale with 15 days at 65 degress and 3 days at 35 degerees. I intentionally increased fermentation time to lower the chances the yeast would have time to do its work.

    I must be doing something systematically wrong, or perhaps others are having this same problem.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • Hey David! 

    We'll definitely consult with the brewmaster team to figure out why all your batches are finishing too sweet, especially if it's yielding the same results even with your own recipe! 

    Do you have your iGulu unit sitting in a cooler location like a basement or garage? Even if you set the temperatures on the iGulu, ambient temperatures could also have an adverse effect on your overal results. Moving it into the kitchen or an area with less fluctuating temperatures could help. 

    The typical culprits of "too sweet of a beer" are controlled in our circumstance since the ingredients are controlled. The only variable aspect in this situation would be the fermentation temperatures. 

    Let us know more about the location you're brewing in, and your set up -- maybe we can help diagnose what the problem is that way!

  • Any answer on this issue. I have the same problem. 

  • Here the same, location of my machine was in the living room with constant 21 degrees celsius (70 degree fahrenheit). the machine used the predefined recipe for German Wheat Beer. Pressure raised in the system during fermentation. The result was a really sweet beer. 
    I would appreciate any ideas what I can do different / better next time to avoid another frustrating result.

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